$(function() { $('#side-menu').metisMenu(); $("#contract").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var w = $("#wrapper"); if (w.hasClass("contracted")) { w.removeClass("contracted"); setCookie('sidebar-contracted', '0'); }else { w.addClass("contracted"); setCookie('sidebar-contracted', '1'); } setLinkContent(); $(window).trigger('resize'); }); setLinkContent(); function setLinkContent() { if ($("#wrapper").hasClass("contracted")) $("#contract").html(' Cerrar menu'); else $("#contract").html(' Cerrar menu'); } function setCookie(name, value, path) { if (path == null) path = _webApp_site ; var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); document.cookie = name + "=" + value + "; expires=" + d.toUTCString() + "; path=" + path; } }); //Loads the correct sidebar on window load, //collapses the sidebar on window resize. // Sets the min-height of #page-wrapper to window size $(function() { $(window).bind("load resize", function() { topOffset = 50; width = (this.window.innerWidth > 0) ? this.window.innerWidth : this.screen.width; if (width < 768) { $('div.navbar-collapse').addClass('collapse'); topOffset = 100; // 2-row-menu } else { $('div.navbar-collapse').removeClass('collapse'); } height = ((this.window.innerHeight > 0) ? this.window.innerHeight : this.screen.height) - 1; height = height - topOffset; if (height < 1) height = 1; if (height > topOffset) { $("#page-wrapper").css("min-height", (height) + "px"); } }); var url = window.location; var element = $('ul.nav a').filter(function() { return this.href == url /*|| url.href.indexOf(this.href) == 0*/; }).addClass('active').parent().parent().addClass('in').parent(); if (element.is('li')) { element.addClass('active'); } });